MENAKAR KEBIJAKAN FULL DAY SCHOOL (Studi Analisis Permendikbud No 23 Tahun 2017)
The full day school policy stipulated in the regulation of Education
and Culture Minister (Permendikbud) Number 23 of 2017 makes
the anxiety for the education activists who are not ready for the
consequences of this regulation. The anxiety of these educational
activists began to disappear when Permendikbud No. 23 of
2017 was abolished by a higher regulation, namely Presidential
Regulation (Perpres) No. 87 of 2017 which asserted that the
five-day school is an option rather than an obligation. In this
Presidential Decree, there is a gap for educational institutions to
run the school hours in accordance with Permendikbud No. 23
of 2017. It becomes interesting to be investigated in the realm of
educational policy. This study analyzes how the emergence of a
policy in education, how to implement and evaluate the policies
that have been applied especially Permendikbud No 23 of 2017
about school hours, because there are still schools and madrasah
that use school hours in accordance with this permendikbud.
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