Jurnal Perspektif(ISSN 2549-7111 / e-ISSN 2549-712X) is a scientific media as a place for publication of research results, literature review studies, and / or ideas from various disciplines. Journal Perspective is a place for publication with Humanities and Social Scientist, also Science and Technology that aimed at developing human civilization in a better direction, among others: Social Science, Law and Islamic Law, Religious, Education, Politic, Science and Technology, and Linguistic. Every issue will be given a specific theme.
Jurnal Perspektif is a biannual periodical scientific journal (one year two publications with different themes in each issue). Starting with volume 7 in 2023, there is a change in publication from June to May and December to November published by the Research and Publication Center of UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung. Jurnal Perspektif had accredited SINTA 3 by Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education Republic of Indonesia No. 72/E/KPT/2024, date on 15 Mei 2024.

Call for Paper 2025 |
To Authors / researchers / teachers / lecturers. The Editorial Board invites scientific research manuscripts, literature review manuscripts, and case studies for publication in the Jurnal Perspektif. Manuscripts for publication in the Jurnal Perspektif are selected through double peer review to ensure originality, timeliness, relevance, and readability. Volume 9 No. 1 May 2025 (period between January-May) article edition: Education and Religion. Volume 9 No. 2 November 2025 (period between June-November) article edition: Education, Economics, and Law |
Posted: 2025-01-01 | More... |
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Vol 8, No 2 (2024): Jurnal Perspektif: Volume 8 Nomor 2 Tahun 2024
Table of Contents
Akhyar Puandi, Asrin Lubis, Mulyono Mulyono
Dini Safitri Al Karim, Asmin Asmin, Pardomuan Sitompul
Syarhabil Ali Fikri, Asep Saeful Muhtadi, Bambang Saiful Ma'arif
Abdul Rosyid, Al Jupri
Amelia Nurul Fadila, Muhammad Aminuddin, Hapid Ali
Solehudin Solehudin, Darhim Darhim, Tatang Herman
Husnul Maisa, Zul Amry, Edy Surya
Irma Yani Lidia Nasution, Mulyono Mulyono, Edy Surya
Sucia Ramadani, Elmanani Simamora, Waminton Rajagukguk
Iyon Maryono, Hamdan Sugilar, Ade Hilda Zainy Aditya
Eva Meidi Kulsum, Luluk Wiji Asti Suloso
Deni Miharja, Encum Sumirah, Nasywa Syahida Putri