HOTS Test Development Based on Realistic Mathematics Learning For Grade V Elementary School

Novia Listia Amanda, Dian Armanto, Waminton Rajaguguk


This study aims to: 1) Analyze the level of validity of the HOTS test based on realistic mathematics learning on the topic of spatial figures for grade V elementary school students; 2) Analyze the level of practicality of the HOTS test based on realistic mathematics learning that was developed; 3) Analyze the effectiveness of the HOTS test based on realistic mathematics learning in grade V elementary school. ;4) Determine student responses to the HOTS test based on realistic mathematics learning that was developed. The type of research used in this study is the Borg and Gall model development research. The research was conducted at SDN 064987 Medan in the 2021/2022 Academic Year. The subjects of this study were 30 grade V students of SDN 064987 Medan Amplas; Research Results; 1) The ability of the HOTS test based on realistic mathematics learning in improving students' mathematical HOTS test abilities based on realistic mathematics that was developed has met the valid criteria.; 2) HOTS Test Ability based on realistic mathematics-based learning in improving students' mathematical HOTS test ability based on realistic mathematics that has been developed has met practical criteria; 3) HOTS Test Ability based on realistic mathematics-based learning in improving students' mathematical HOTS test ability based on realistic mathematics that has been developed has met effective criteria; 4) HOTS Test Ability Response based on realistic mathematics-based learning in improving students' mathematical HOTS test ability based on realistic mathematics that has been developed has met the criteria obtained on average above 80% in trial I and trial II


HOTS Test, Realistic Based Learning.


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