Development of Mathematics Learning Tools Based on Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) to Improve Students' Mathematical Reasoning and Learning Independence

Mari Muhammad, Asrin Lubis, Mangaratua M. Simanjorang



This study tested the validity, practicality, and success of Realistic Mathematics Education (RME)-based learning devices in improving Mathematical Reasoning and Learning Independence of students at SMP Free Methodist 2 Medan. This study used a research and development method. The development model used was ADDIE. This study involved grade VII students of SMPFree Methodist 2 Medan. The results of the study; Realistic Mathematics Education (RME)-based learning devices were declared valid and could improve Mathematical Reasoning and Learning Independence of students at SMP Free Methodist 2 with an average assessment of validation for each device of 3.4. The Realistic Mathematics Education (RME)-based learning devices that had been developed were declared practical to improve Mathematical Reasoning and Learning Independence of students at SMP Free Methodist 2 Medan with an average score given by observers for each meeting of 3.84 so that it was declared to be implemented well without any obstacles. The Realistic Mathematics Education (RME)-based learning device that has been developed is declared effective in improving Mathematical Reasoning and Learning Independence of students at SMP Free Methodist 2 Medan. The learning that has been implemented using the developed learning device obtained 23 students who completed the test given with a percentage of 76% and there were only 7 students who had not completed it with a percentage of 23%.


Realistic Mathematics Education (RME), Mathematical Reasoning and Learning Independence


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